Deco Base

Deco Base makes AI powered tools for Real Estate Developers. We help automate manual, document based workflows like Bank Draws and Plan Checks.

Deco Base can ingest all of the documents that real estate developers are likely to come across - everything from investment documents, to invoices, to architectural plans, to loan docs, to insurance agreements. We automatically categorize and organize that data and use it to build a knowledge base of your project. You can model everything related to your project directly within Deco Base, or alternatively can download the extracted info to use in excel models. With the knowledge base, Deco Base is able to automate and perfectly execute many of the document based tasks that developers have to do. Things like submitting bank draws, completing diligence requests, or responding to plan check comments. Additionally, Deco Base has an AI chat bot that has access to the full context of your projects.

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